Resource Library

SASOL WUA’s Training Report (Jan. 21-23, 2015)

SASOL’s Land and Water Department staff members did a training needs assessment and follow-up training for the Ngunini borehole and Kwa Mboo earth dam, two of the Water User Association’s being trained through the  Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support project. The training was conducted on January 21- 23, 2015. Attached is the report written on the needs discovered and how the training addressed those needs. WUAs Training Report (Jan. 21-23,...

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Trainer’s Manual for Community Managed Water Supplies

In 2012, the UNICEF Kenya Country Office and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation Department published an in-depth Trainer’s Manual for Community Managed Water Supplies. Attached you will find the training manual. Community Managed Water Supplies Introduction: “Community managed water supply systems play a significant role in providing water services to the Kenyan public. However many community managed water supplies continue to under-perform and require support in terms of infrastructure improvement, strengthening of management and financial systems, operation...

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ACT Reduce Tillage Technical Booklet

Take a look at this ACT Technical Booklet for more information on reduce tillage and the benefits for small-scale farmers. “A Guide for Farmers on Reduce Tillage: Animal Drawn Ripping Option for Smallholder Farmers” Reduce Tillage Booklet

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SASOL Green Grams Manual

This is a manual on Green Grams Production written by SASOL staff. Green Grams Manual   Brief description: Green grams are a leguminous crop of species Vigna native to the Indian sub continent but also cultivated in hot and dry regions of southern Europe, southern united states and eastern Africa. It’s an upright bushy plant that can grow to a height of 30-120cm. the color is usually green but can also be found in sheds of black and yellow. The pods are linear sometimes curved, round slender and hairy. Green grams are nutritious source of food with 25% protein content and can also be...

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ACT: Conservation Agriculture Pamphlet

Check out this recent pamphlet from the African Conservation Tillage Network It includes introductory information on Conservation Agriculture, and provides the contact information for ACT if you would like more information. ACT CA Pamphlet

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2013 Sand Dam Manual

In the Kituï District of Kenya the SASOL (Sahelian Solutions) Foundation began constructing sand storage dams in 1995. Since this period, over 500 sand storage dams have been constructed. These vary in size according to valley dimensions and peak flows. On average the Kituï dams are between 2-4 metres in height and around 20 metres in length.

The main advantage of the Kituï dams is that they use simple inexpensive technology and can be constructed by local communities mainly with locally-available materials. The cost of an average sand storage dam with a minimum life span of 50 years and storage of at least 2.000 m3 is about US$ 7.500. Some 40% of overall construction cost is provided by the community. They are involved in the construction of sand storage dams by provision of labour and raw materials through sand dam
management groups. After construction, these groups ensure maintenance of dams and protection of the water quality as well as promoting ownership and thus sustainability.

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