Sand Dam Projects

Integrated Water Resource and Land Management (IWRLM)

Although SASOL’s partnership with MetaMeta has been completed, we continue to advocate for and implement the 3R Approach. The 3R Approach involves Recharge, Retention, and Reuse!

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Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support

Project Dates: October 2014- April 30, 2015

Our project goal is to enhance rain water harvesting for increased livestock production in Makueni County. With lack of sufficient water prevailing in these upcoming dry months (February-March), our aim is to increase access and management of the current water supply so the members of our targeted communities can persevere through this dry time and into the future

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Strengthening Livelihoods of Rural Agro-Pastoralists In Mutito District

The project duration is 3 years, beginning January 2015

SASOL Foundation and CEFA seek to promote sustainable livelihood diversification for farmers who live in arid and semi-arid land areas. Through this project, our goal is to increase incomes for 3,100 farmers/agro-pastoralists in Mutito District by helping them build their capacity, starting in production and leading all the way to the market.

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