The field day held on 6th June, 2017 was organized by Dry Lands development Program and implemented by Adra in Kitui County, Kitui Rural Sub-county, Kanyangi Ward, Kanyangi location, Masimba sub location at Jennifer Kithome’s farm. The theme of the field day was to promote soil and water conservation and climate smart agriculture for food security and income generation.
ADRA_works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible actions. It partners with communities, organizations (such as world vision, Caritas Kenya, World Agro forestry Centre, SNV) and government in order to develop food security and economic development through natural resource management and community production thus changing the world, one life at a time especially in dry lands.
1. Adra-Kenya-exhibiting on water harvesting through farm ponds
2. SASOL Foundation- teach the farmers what conservation agriculture is, its importance especially in enhancing food security in Arid and Semi Arid areas
3. Agri-chem:-teaching the farmers on different chemicals of controlling pests and diseases for different crops.
4. Sygenta:-exhibiting on agro-chemicals and agrozet bags to farmers.
5. Makaki cooperative:-provides credits and inputs to farmers and also Market the produce of the members at a fair prices.
6. Ministry of Agriculture, water & Irrigation:-exhibiting on dry-agriculture through zai pit
technology. Explained on poultry rearing and management, production of animal feeds and Moringa planting, management in the nursery bed and transplanting.