Phase 2: Training and Capacity Strengthening

Phase 2: Training and Capacity Strengthening

Phase two in our Enterprise Development project involves gathering different community groups together within Kitui County, and bringing them to the Demonstration Farm to learn the skills for various micro-enterprises.

Currently, MPC South has a functioning indigenous goat-rearing micro-enterprise, as well as an indigenous poultry production micro-enterprise. We are in the process of forming community groups that will be trained in goat-rearing and poultry production. As more resources become accessible at MPC South, trainings in other functioning micro-enterprises will become available.

Project Activities

1. Exposure Visit:

  • As the activities at MPC South develop, the farmers will be brought in to observe and learn from the demonstration farm. The goal is for the farmers to obtain visual understanding of the processes they are being taught through the enterprise development project, and to have confidence in the skills they are being taught.

2. Capacity Strengthening:

  • Groups are trained on entrepreneurship, book keeping, financial management, staffing, marketing, and production management. By strengthening each farmer’s abilities, they will have greater confidence in themselves and be better equipped to lead their own businesses.